A real solution.

Throughout the past years there has been a large problem escalating in size by the minute that no one cares to address. Why do people not address it? Well that is probably the simplest question, it’s due to fear.


“What is the dang problem!?”


That right there. That’s the problem. It comes in a variety of names, but the most well known one is bullying.


To first answer the question of why people do it, you must ask what is it? Well bullying is plainly just being rude or unkind to someone out of fear or jealousy. Schools attempt to correct the issue, but their attempts show no results. The problem is that schools think they can fix the problem by giving the victim counseling and the bully a slap on the hand.


Well open your eyes. It does not work. All that does is put the victim in a awkward situation and give the bully the idea that he can do all these horrid acts of youth violence and get away with ease. Don’t get me wrong, I give them credit for at least trying but come on… Open your eyes, smell the roses, and think of a new plan of action.


I propose that in place of the old system you try this: You not only give the victim attention, but also the bully. In doing this, you will not only help the victim through their problems, but address the bully in a positive manner. Instead of letting the bully off with a warning, letting him think he can strike again, you give him attention too!  Think about it; if you help the bully conquer their fear or jealousy towards the victim they will stop permanently. You don’t leave them the chance to hurt anyone else.

I have personal story about being bullied. A person in the 7th grade a 8th grade started to vandalize my bike by breaking my helmet, popping my tire, taking my seat! So, I did what any sensible person would do and report him. But all that did has put me in a greater disposition, because they lied and said I was the bully. It just turned into a he said she said with them on tape doing the crime and myself not. It all ended with me receiving my bike seat back and the bullying ending. However, they never received any disciplinary action. This lead to others getting in the same situation and  the issue repeating itself over and over.  


The point is our society currently is just going with the flow. I feel this is shown in social media (I’ll talk about that on a later date) and our current system in schools for bullying. They all do the same thing and no school has yet wanted to reach out and say, “I’m not going by the book. I’m doing it my own way; and improving it!” This once again leads back to fear. The fear of change. But is the needed change really something to fear if it’s a change for the greater good?


( I have not yet edited this yet so i apologize)

22 Comments Add yours

  1. I appreciate what you are saying. Even though you haven’t edited your writing yet, your sincerity stands out. I agree with your proposal that the bullying be addressed at the root…bullies are insecure and lashing out out of not feeling good about themselves…but, that doesn’t give them a free pass to hurt others. I am so glad that the truth came out and that you were vindicated. And you are so right, fear of change results in things staying the same…creative solutions are needed, and a slap on the wrist is never going to bring sustained change. Your passion for making things better is wonderful…thank you for your efforts and caring 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. martymcbrown says:

    thank you, do you have any constructive criticism about any thing? and i wanted to ask what types of things do you think i would be good writing about?


    1. I’m so sorry….I am just seeing your request/comment now. I am about to leave for work, but I am so glad to know that someone helped you. 🙂


  3. martymcbrown says:

    and do you see any grammatical mistakes? Im going to correct it tonight and i would love a different persons view on it so i dont miss any thing. Im really bad at spelling and just grammar in all so im sorry if my stuff is hard to read. Its not that im really young, im in high school, but i never had a good English teacher where i use to live so i never was thought correctly until recently. And last thing for now, sorry if im bugging you. do you think people would like hearing personal story’s, I put one in here hoping to see how it would do.


  4. IsMostlyEvil says:

    First off. I like the idea and what you are trying to say. But its really hard to read. I know you said you didn’t edit, but at least use paragraphs before popping it online. Presentation is important in this medium. Grammar doesn’t have to be perfect (lord knows mine isn’t), but some of the very basics are important if you want people to read what you have to say. If you want I’d be willing to give it a run though and basic edit to give you an idea of what I’m talking about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. martymcbrown says:

      sure, like admin you or just let you re-type it. i would be grateful for both.


      1. IsMostlyEvil says:

        Oh no. No admin. I’ll copy it and edit and send you a link. I don’t want access to your blog. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. martymcbrown says:

        thanks. i followed you because of how nice your being. your the kind of people that the world needs.


  5. IsMostlyEvil says:

    Here you go. This is a very rough and quick edit. I’m sure there are still mistakes. I left your wording mostly in tact. I didn’t want to change the flavor of your piece, only make it easier to read.



    1. martymcbrown says:

      Thank you a ton!


      1. martymcbrown says:

        i wanna ask you, is there any topics that you think i would make a good post out of? or a type of style that i would be good at?


      2. IsMostlyEvil says:

        Just write what’s on your mind. My favorite blogs are the ones where you get to know the author and their thoughts and feelings. Don’t worry about themes or style, just write because it makes you happy and you want to express yourself.


      3. martymcbrown says:

        Okay, i like writing like i just did. And I also like writing about my life, but I’m in middle school and it may turn in to childish crushes and drama would you think any one would like reading that.


      4. IsMostlyEvil says:

        First of all, if you’re in middle school, un-follow my blog. I speak heavily on adult topics and have some very sexual themes. I cannot, in good conscience, support you reading a lot of the stuff I write.

        Secondly, who cares? Write what you write. Followers aren’t the goal. They are a nice bonus, but write to write. Followers will come.


      5. martymcbrown says:

        I know, I’m not reading your stuff (no offence)


      6. IsMostlyEvil says:

        Heh. Good. None taken. Feel free to hit me up if you ever want me to offer some critique.


      7. martymcbrown says:

        Okay, I will. Thanks again you have been a bigger hell then you can imagine.


  6. martymcbrown says:

    ops, help sorry it took so long to correct i was using my phone to type that and it will auto correct some times.


  7. lana chunnar says:

    nice post. I really liked what you are trying to say. WE sure need to change the way of thinking, the way of how we fix things, use our ways as you said and not to stuck to what we read in books. Sorry for what happened to you. hope you will (in the future) come up with new solutions and make the change that everyone needs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. If you are looking for constructive criticism, I can give you a few pointers..
    1. use spell check and focus on homophones like ex. you used there instead of their
    2. whenever there is a change in the sequence of your thoughts, try to start a new paragraph.
    3. I agree that perfect grammar is not ‘ necessary’ to convey what you feel but it will be an added bonus to you in your future life. so may try to learn the basics of English grammar online.( your manner of expression is absolutely charming)
    4. If you need any help in editing or otherwise, feel free to contact me.

    Finally, it’s good see young minds thinking creatively about the problems we face today. Hats off.
    your writing style is very good i especially liked ” smell the roses and think of a new plan”


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